Saving the Nectar Sippers - Phase 2

In a partnership between BirdLife Australia, West Hume Landcare Inc. and Corowa District Landcare Inc., the Southern NSW Birds on Farms Project, Saving the Nectar Sippers Phase 2, will run in the South West Slopes region of southern NSW until August 2026.

With its key focus being to drive the implementation of private land management approaches to assist recovery of declining woodland birds, this project will support landholders to undertake targeted woodland restoration actions in priority landscapes. These restoration actions will not only support birds, but also other living things within these habitats.

The project area is home to three threatened nectar-feeding species – Dusky Woodswallow, Black-chinned Honeyeater and Little Lorikeet.

Woodland Bird Habitat Plan - Express your Interest

As part of this project, BirdLife Australia will be developing Woodland Bird Habitat Plans for landholders. These plans will outline a range of woodland habitat restoration actions that could be undertaken on private properties, and include detailed budgets for their implementation.

Do you have a farm or rural property that may benefit from a Woodland Bird Habitat Plan? Please read more about the process below.

  1. Express your interest in receiving a Woodland Bird Habitat Plan for your farm.

  2. If your property meets the initial project criteria, your property will then be assessed in person by BirdLife Australia staff.

  3. Following the in person assessment, if your property meets the project’s requirements, a Woodland Bird Habitat Plan will be developed by BirdLife Australia. The Habitat Plan will outline the range of woodland habitat restoration actions that could be undertaken on parts of your property and will include detailed budgets for their implementation.

  4. Funding to carry our the restoration actions, such as fencing, revegetation etc., may be sought through BirdLife Australia if available, however cannot be guaranteed, and may need to be sought through other streams. Note: If BirdLife Australia are able to provide funding, Voluntary Management Agreements (10-year Stewardship Agreements) will be implemented with the landholders and an annual survey of vegetation will be undertaken by Corowa District Landcare staff.

Please contact to express your interest.

Other Ways to Get Involved

Come Along to Events!

Throughout this project, we will be hosting a number of events. Please sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date.

Volunteer with BirdLife Australia!

BirdLife Australia offers the opportunity to get involved as a volunteer with their Birds on Farms program, either as a landholder, bird surveyer, or both. The program operates across Australia and assists rural landholders to identify, appreciate and manage birds and their habitats on their properties.  Please contact to learn more about bird monitoring at your property, or volunteering with BirdLife Australia.